Sharm El Sheikh International Hospital

Wadi el Nile hospital

Health insurance hospital Suez city

El Zeitoun specialized hospital

Egypt Railways hospital

Naser general hospital

Abo khalifa hospital-Ismailia city

Health Care Projects
The projects implemented by the company in the field of health care have varied from construction and development of many hospitals serving over 7 , 700 patients at the same time , in addition to the establishment of more than 850 health units , emergency departments , blood banks and radiology centers .

Residential Projects
The company contributed to the urban deveIopment through the impIementation of severaI high quaIity resideniaI projects for more than 32.000 units , ranging from Iuxury, urban and community housing aIong with sIum deveIopment projects .

Slums limination project “ rawdet el sayeda “

housing projects in 6 of October city

housing projects in 6 of October city

Slums limination project “ rawdet el sayeda “

Housing projects in 6 of October city

Housing project in port said

Housing project in port said

Radio Broadcast center in Moqatam

National council of defence ,Headquarter

Headquarter of Gasco co. / Cairo

Administrative building ,Nasr city

Arab maritime academy ,Alexandria

Court of Qena
Public and Administrative Buildings
In order to engage in the NationaI DeveIopment practices, we have impIemented many pubic and private administrative buidings, courts and security faciIities.

Transportation and Infrastructure Projects
We have established and developed more than 250 railway stations and 3 main ports according to the world -class standards and requirements in this industry.

Roads and infrastructures

Roads and infrastructures

Railway stations

Railway stations

Port of Safaga

Port of Safaga

Port of Safaga

Scientific exploratory center

Werdan Academy for Railways

Police Academy

Islamic research foundation
Education Projects
In order to participate in developing the Education system … We have built more than 200 schools , 90 institutions and educational centers and many public libraries

Youth and Sports Projects
In the framework of the state ‘ s interest in youth and sports , we have built 10 sports and community clubs , in addition to 780 sports fields and 230 youth centers

Hostel in Fayoum city

Hostel in 10th Ramadan city


Egyptian museum

Mohamed Ali palace

Mohamed Ali palace

Saint Antony Monastery

Mosque of Abu El Hagag -Luxor

Mosque of Abu El Hagag -Luxor

Mosque of Abu El Hagag -Luxor
Archaeological Restoration Projects
The company endorsed the restoration and documentation of antiquities in line With the development of the archaeological Sites

Irrigation Projects
Contributing to the conservation of water weaIth, we have constructed dozens Of kiIometers of Iined irrigation channeIs , Iined canaIs and waterways.

Irrigation projects

Irrigation projects

Irrigation projects

Irrigation projects

Technological cities

Mobile phone factory

Smart center for citizens services

We Upskill
Technological Solutions
To stay tuned with the country ‘ s evolution , we have developed several hi-tech cities In Assuit , Burj Al Arab , El Sadat and Beni Suef In accdition to establishing Egypt ‘ s first smart phone factory and participating in the implementation of the smart meters system for Egypt Electricity Network
International Participation
The company has participated internationally in the management of projects design and implementation of international exhibitions, to include:
• Designing and developing the exhibitions area to meet the international standards
• Egypt Exhibition in Shanghai
• Hall 5 at Cairo Convention Center
• Egypt Exhibition in Yeosu, South Korea

Egyptian Exhibition in Shanghai

Hall 5 , CICC

Hall 5 , CICC

Hall 5 , CICC
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